m i n d f u l l i v i n g o n l i n e

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feng Shui Your Bedroom

If insomnia is a problem, don't overlook the décor of your bedroom. Ideally, your bedroom should be restful and not used for anything but sex and sleep. Banish all paperwork and the television to other rooms, keeping clutter to a minimum. Get the sleep of your dreams with these simple feng shui tips for your bedroom.

Furniture, plants, and other objects should never loom or hang over the bed; they can threaten your subconscious mind. Plants should also be alive and green, not dry (suggesting death or morbidity) or spiky (threatening).

As for the bed, place it so your head is either facing north or east—experts disagree on which is best—in a spot where you will not be startled if a family member enters. And don't let junk accumulate under the bed. It can disturb the flow of chi (energy) and affect your sleep. - Yoga Journal

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